Employee Counselling Service (EAP)

Workplace Wellbeing Workshops

Our Employee/Corporate wellbeing services are innovative, accessible and provided at reasonable costs. The workshops and the staff counselling service on offer are both provided by our trained, qualified and Garda vetted facilitators/counsellors; with backgrounds in mental health and career guidance/development.

If your company or organisation wants to reduce absenteeism, have a more productive workplace and to also have a work environment which has better communication, then our workshops are what you needed.  Our qualified workshop facilitators are trained Mental Health Counsellors as well as Career Counsellors. They have combined these separate but interconnected skills sets to develop workshops that provide your team with the tools to reduce stress and anxiety – both inside and outside of the workplace. Our facilitators also provide training around effective communication with others who may be distressed (team mates/colleagues and customers/clients).

Results from a study published in the Journal of Occupational & Environmental Medicine indicate that internal EA services significantly reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety…these reductions in mental health symptoms are also strongly connected to subsequent decreases in absenteeism and presenteeism’. This research and other research on the area of EAPs can be found at


 Please note: our workshops are under development and will be available via live webinars online, nationally from December 2020!

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Leader Workshops

Safe Communication & Workplace Wellbeing

Our Leadership workshops are aimed at managers, supervisors etc and can be tailored to the specific company requirements. The workshops provide knowledge and evidence-based practices in dealing with problems and also foster good company culture; which are important elements of success and employee retention (Max participants 30).

The following topics are incorporated within the leadership workshops:

Stress & Anxiety
One of the most pressing issues in the workplace is stress, sometimes coupled with anxiety. Our workshop provides vital knowledge about stress and anxiety, and experientially teaches various ways to meet and overcome stress and anxiety in the workplace.

Safe Communication
Communication is at the heart of every company culture but how consciously do leaders communicate? Encouraging safe communication and engaging employees are cornerstones of company culture. Safe communication teaches managers how to deal with distressed employees/clients and also addresses the issue of suicide; thus providing leaders with a safe and confidential method of dealing with employees/clients who are in distress.


Employee/Staff Workshops

Workplace Mindfulness & Wellbeing

Our employee workshops provide staff with the knowledge and experiential learning to combat work stress and other possible mental health issues and also encourages individuals to take action and becomes change agents themselves:


Description of Workplace Wellbeing workshop:

  • A workshop that improves wellbeing for people in the workplace.
  • Participants gain an understanding and increased resilience to stress and anxiety and set of skills to be able to manage negative states and an improvement in selfcare and overall wellbeing.
  • The work shop consists of two professional trainers delivering an interactive programme with the latest breakthroughs in neuro science and psychology to help increase wellbeing and resilience for participants.
  • The workshop is delivered through mediums of communication including live interaction, slides, feedback, resources and exercises. We introduce 9 proven ways that can to help increase wellbeing on a daily basis.
  • Participants having taken the workshop have a good knowledge and skills of how to cope with stress and anxiety and many tips and strategies to help increase wellness and resilience.

(Max participants 30).


Our Team

Our team of experienced behaviour change consultants and counsellors facilitate these workshops, providing a confidential and safe environment for lively and meaningful learning, discussion and teaching.

Call us nationally on 0818 99 88 80 or email for more information and a quote.