
Multi-Cultural Counselling Research Links

Acosta, F. X., & Sheehan, J. G. (1976). Preference towards Mexican American andAnglo American psychotherapists. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44(2), 272-279.

Acosta, F., Yamamoto, J., & Evans, L (1982). Effective psychotherapy for low income and minority patients. New York: Plenum Press.

Arthur, N., & Januszkowski, T. (2001). The multicultural counselling competencies of Canadian counsellors. Canadian Journal of Counselling, 35(1), 36-48.

Atkinson, D. R. (1983). Ethnic similarity in counseling psychology: A review of research. The Counseling Psychologists, 11, 79-92.

Cheung, F. K., & Snowden, L. R. (1990). Community mental health and ethnic minority populations. Community Mental Health Journal, 26, 277-291.

Collins, S., & Arthur, N. (2010). Culture-infused counselling: A fresh look at a classic framework of multicultural counselling competencies. Counselling psychology quarterly, 23(2), 203-216.

Collins, S., & Arthur, N. (2007). A framework for enhancing multicultural counselling competence. Canadian Journal of Counselling and Psychotherapy/Revue canadienne de counseling et de psychothérapie, 41(1).

Comas-Diaz, L., & Griffith, E. H. (1988). Clinical guidelines in cross-cultural mentalhealth. John Wiley.

Constantine, M. G. (2002). Predictors of satisfaction with counseling: Racial and ethnic minority clients’ attitudes toward counseling and ratings of their counselors’ general and multicultural counseling competence. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 49(2), 255.

Dauphinais, P., Dauphinais, L., & Rowe, W. (1981). Effects of race and communication style on Indian perceptions of counselor effectiveness. Counselor Education and Supervision, 20, 37-46.

Everett, F., Proctor, N., & Cartmell, B. (1983). Providing psychological services to American Indian children and families. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 14(5), 588-603.

Juarez, R. (1985). Core issues in psychotherapy with the Hispanic child.Psychotherapy, 22(25), 441-448.

Laungani, P. (2005). Building multicultural counselling bridges: The holy grail or a poisoned chalice?*. Counselling psychology quarterly, 18(4), 247-259.

Lorion, R. P. (1974). Patient and therapist variables in the treatment of low income patients. Psychological Bulletin, 81, 344-354.

Malgady, R. G., Rogler, L. H., & Constantino, G. (1987). Ethnocultural and linguistic bias in mental health evaluation of Hispanics. American Psychologist, 42(3), 228-234.

McGoldrick, M., Pearce, J. K., & Giordano, J. (1982). Ethnicity and family therapy. New York: Guilford Press.

Nelson-Jones, R. (2002). Diverse goals for multicultural counselling and therapy. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 15(2), 133-143.

Nishio, K., & Bilmes, M. (1987). Psychotherapy with Southeast Asian American clients. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 18(4), 342-346.

Padilla, A. M., & Ruiz, R. A. (1973). Latino mental health: A review of literature(DHEW publication No. HSM 73-9143). Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

Padilla, A. M., Ruiz., R. A., & Alvarez, R. (1975). Community mental health for the Spanish-speaking/surnamed population. American Psychologist, 30, 892-905.

Parham, T. A., & Helms, J. E. (1981). The influence of Black students racial identity attitudes on preferences for counselor’s race. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 28, 250-257.

Root, M. P. (1985). Guidelines for facilitating therapy with Asian-American clients. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 22(2S), 349.

Ramsey, M. (1996). Exploring power in multicultural counselling encounters.International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 19(3), 277-291.

Rosado, J. W. (1986). Toward an interfacing of Hispanic cultural variables with school psychology service delivery systems. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 17(3), 191-199.

Seemann, E. A., Buboltz, W. C., Jenkins, S. M., Soper, B., & Woller, K. (2004). Ethnic and gender differences in psychological reactance: the importance of reactance in multicultural counselling. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 17(2), 167-176.

Snowden, L. R., & Cheung, F. K. (1990). Use of inpatient mental health services by members of ethnic minority groups. American Psychologist, 45, 347-355.

Sue, D., & Sue, S. (1987). Cultural factors in the clinical assessment of Asian American. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 55(4), 479-487.

Zuniga, M. E. (1988). Assessment issues with Chicanas: practical implications.Psychotherapy, 25(2), 288-293.
