
Irish Abroad Counselling Service Research Links

Multi-Cultural Counselling Research Links Acosta, F. X., & Sheehan, J. G. (1976). Preference towards Mexican American andAnglo American psychotherapists. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 44(2), 272-279. Acosta, F., Yamamoto, J., & Evans, L (1982). Effective psychotherapy for low income and minority patients. New York: Plenum Press. Arthur, N., & Januszkowski, T. (2001). The multicultural … Continued


Irish Abroad Counselling Service Identified Need

Kennedy, L, M. Lyes and M. Russell (2014) Supporting the Next Generation of the Irish Diaspora, Clinton Institute, UCD: University College Dublin and Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.  Irish in Australia “Perhaps more than physical health concerns, mental health issues are becoming more pressing with the Irish community in Australia” “As the burden of … Continued


Irish Abroad Counselling Service FAQ’s

Who can use this counselling service? This service is available for all Irish citizens (passport holders) living abroad or returning home from living abroad, that are in need of some culturally sensitive, emotional support. Each person can avail of 6 free online appointments. Our Counsellors have already been helping the Irish abroad for many years with … Continued

Irish Abroad Counselling Service

Helplink’s Irish Abroad Counselling Service

Irish Abroad and Returning Irish Counselling Service available globally 7 days a week for free!

